Credit Exterminator is the credit repair expert serving Greater Houston, TX. We don’t want you to worry if you don’t understand credit. We can explain how credit works as well as how to get your credit reports looking clean and your scores looking great. Many people have inaccurate or unfair negative items wrongfully hurting their score. Credit Exterminator can find and address these questionable items! We help you obtain your credit reports and scores, and then present a custom solution to improve your credit rating by showing you exactly what’s hurting your score and how to fix it. We challenge questionable negative items and ask your creditors to verify the negative items they are reporting. We can even continue to monitor your credit to address additional issues as they arise.
Credit Repair Specialists
We work directly with the credit bureaus and your creditors to remove negative items from your credit reports to achieve a higher credit score. This will lower your interest rates on future purchases! Credit Exterminator can help you get new credit or reestablish your existing credit. Some of the bad credit situations we can help with include collections and charge offs | late payments | judgements and tax liens | student and defaulted loans | foreclosures, evictions and repossessions | bankruptcy and identify theft and more! Call us to schedule a FREE credit consultation to start repairing your credit today!